I have to close the window for a drive and start new sweeps. OmniDiskSweep is not automatically updating as files move around. There is one problem I am having, I don't know if it affects anyone else. It really helps me see where disks are getting crowded and to keep my files organized. OmniDiskSweep always is running on one of the macOS desktops.

It is not the most complicated thing in the world, but it is not the simplest either. Every drive has some primary files, all the HDs have backups of files that are primary on other drives. The primary files I use are distributed among the five drives, and they all are backed up to other drives. In addition to macOS, I have two critical virtual servers running as guest OSs (Debian) under VMWARE Fusion. The others were ok, but I find OmniDiskSweep the most helpful.

I tied three other products before this one. Since the directories and files are sorted by size, you get to quickly zoom in on the big files that are taking up all the space. Smarter than Finder: sure, you could do this with the Finder, but OmniDiskSweeper makes it easier.

It's a fast, easy way to find those large files cluttering up your drive and clearing them out for new, better things. OmniDiskSweeper is really great at what it does: showing you the files on your drive, in descending order by size, and letting you delete them easily! It scans your disks as quickly as possible and shows you the facts - if a file doesn't make the cut to stay, just click the big Delete button and be done with it.